How can I clear IAS in first attempt without any coaching?

How can I clear IAS in first attempt without any coaching?


Having cleared the UPSC in the first attempt, I think I am qualified to answer this question.

First attempt is the golden attempt. The amount of effort that a person can put and motivation that a person has are unparalleled in the first attempt.

The most important thing to understand is that it is not the Hard work which takes you through, its your SMART work. Having a clear strategy is the most important thing you need.

Revision is the key to remembering the vast course that is UPSC syllabus.

Do not go for linear preparation. Always use reverse engineering. Read past year question papers and understand what areas are important. Focus and channelise your preparation likewise.

Always have a positive attitude. UPSC does not make your life colourless, rather it makes it more colourful. Enjoy the process of understanding and knowing so much.

Read the newspapers regularly and with interest. Analyse everything from the point of view of a civil servant. Consider yourself a civil servant and always try to make practical links with everything possible. Try to understand the issues deeply. Do not blindly mug up stuff.

UPSC has one secret Mantra – “ Reading less is Scoring more.” This does not mean that you do not study. It means that keep your sources limited and revise them again and again. Eg: Modern History – read Spectrum and revise it as many times as possible instead of running after NCERTs, Bipin Chandra and what not.

Print the UPSC Syllabus and follow it religiously. It is the Holy Grail of your preparation. Try to cover “Width instead of Depth” as for any GS answer you are expected to write around 200 words. Dont go into too much depth on any topic unnecessarily. Answer writing practice is also very very important.

And most importantly treat it like an exam and not a life death situation. Do not get emotional with subjects. Have a clear objectivity in preparation and before reading anything ensure that it is strictly relevant to UPSC and that you would not be wasting time reading irrelevant stuff.

Lastly to all the aspirants who are reading this to get motivation to begin preparation i would say what Ms Artika Shukla had once said –

“This is an exam not only of knowledge but also of strength, patience and focus. Work hard. Be ambitious and do not be afraid to start. Start where you are. Start with fear, with doubt, with pain. Start with voice shaking and hands trembling. Start where you are, with what you have. You can. You should. And if you’re brave enough to start, you will succeed one day.”

Reference :- and Yahoo Answer

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